At Home with April Gargiulo
Welcome to At Home, a series that gives us an intimate look at the homes of visionary souls who inspire us. In this edition, we're visiting the Napa home of April Gargiulo, the founder of Vintner's Daughter. April's background in furniture design and fine winemaking is evident throughout her home, from the vineyards outside her window to the lush greenery in her garden. Join us as we explore the world of design, sustainability, and the daily rituals that spark her creativity.
Thank you for welcoming us into your home. Please tell us a bit about yourself and how you spend your time.
I love having nothing to do, which doesn’t happen often but those are my favorite days of the weekend, or holidays when you get to just follow the flow of the day. Ideally that would take me, my kids and husband somewhere new, far or near that I have never been, close to nature, have a design or art element to it and gorgeous food and drinks.
Shop the Look: Morelia Organic Pillow Cover, Cozy Cotton Organic Throw
How does your home reflect your personality?
My friends who are into astrology say I'm a taurus through and through and it's most evident in my house. I like high-quality, crafted pieces made with intention, much like Coyuchi and my own company, Vintner’s Daughter. I end up buying less given this lens, but the things I buy I appreciate forever.
Shop the Look: Air Weight® Collection
Can you tell us the stories behind some of your favorite things in your home?
I love the search so my most cherished things are items that I have had to search high and low for. Most are vintage or antique of some sort and came to me through a string of fortunate events. I’m currently sitting at an Italian modernist (Gio Ponti) dining table I found at a garage sale. It had been stored for years with plastic all over it. I still remember peeling that plastic off and marveling at the beauty of the table. It's my desk now.
Shop the Look: Morelia Organic Pillow Cover, Cozy Cotton Organic Throw
Which Coyuchi piece do you gravitate toward the most?
Well, the most fought over pieces are your incredibly soft blankets that my family calls dibs on during movie nights. All the Coyuchi duvet covers and towels I own are also long-time loves.
Shop the Look: Toro Canyon Organic Duvet Cover
What are your must-do daily rituals and why are they important to you?
My morning tea is my most cherished ritual. I love the single origin oolong teas from Song Tea. Nature is endlessly inspiring to me and enjoying tea in this way allows me to have a connection to nature through my cup. Applying my skincare also does this for me. Knowing how we begin each bottle with the most nutrient-rich whole botanicals and that with every drop that I apply my skin is receiving their incredible nutrition also connects me to our natural world.